Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Une chocolate chaud et a crotte-monsieurr sil vous plait

Day2. Tues 15:  

I had a wonderful breakfast with my mother, which put me back in the mode of speaking French. 
It was still difficult speaking with my friends and I often just said the English after I said the French a few times which I should try and stop doing over the next few days. 

Today I wanted to try speaking with waitrons so I went to ‘Menu’ by my college and got quite a response. When I asked the one waitron for a hot chocolate she stood back and said shocked “what the Hell?” her reaction made me laugh but it also made me feel like I was not welcome to speak French or be different.
I wonder if foreigners who immigrate feel they cant fit in until they have the language and pronunciations down? The waitron’s confused and slightly scared expression made me want to explore if the fear of foreigners is rooted in the fact we can’t communicate properly. Is language the first point of connection between people rather than culture or country?

Later on I was chatting with my Mauritian neighbours and felt so relaxed and at home especially now I was speaking their language, I felt a kinship as if I was excepted more easily even if I was south African because I spoke the same language. Is there a social currency with language and correct communication?

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