Friday, March 18, 2011

un chat, une souris et un oiseaux

Day 5. Fri 18:  

I had baguettes with my mother this morning, yum!
Tonight I am going to a animal themed house warming party and look forward to speaking french all night with people who actually respond and understand me. I think the hardest part about this project is becoming the lack of communication between my friends and i because of the language barriers.

The party was great and i got to speak and listen to french with my friends and got to have engaging conversations for one of the first times this week. Its great to be able to speak their language and feel even more part of the group.

As Fay (1996:90) writes “ people recognizably living in different cultures cannot be living in a different world but the may well be living differently in the same world.” i felt this quote expresses exactly how different culture and language can be and how a totally different whay of living and expressing life comes about. 


  1. i remember when i was in school and in french class our teacher used to say things under his breath and things we would never understand. do you ever find that with you and other french people?

  2. oh ya we talk about other people all the time coz they dont understand, but my mom and her cousin have been caught out before it was so funny but very embarrassing. Its quite handy in crowds if you feel like complaining about the person behind you pushing you, as i did last night at tiger with my friend melina :D
