Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Je m'appellel Natalie

Day3. Wed 16 March :  

I'm becoming more confident in speaking french but also more lazy. It is very hard to speak french when I go buy things for example when I went to Plastics for Africa i ended up speaking english because otherwise I couldn't get any help.
Class was very interesting because we all had to stand up and explain our interventions and communicate how our interventions where going. Speaking french infront of the whole class made me very nervous  but by doing it has made me more confident about it. People reactions were different from staring, to confusion and laughing.

Douglas (1973,1979b, 1984) speaks about having two bodies, the physical and the social “the social body constrains the way the physical body is received. And later states that “There is a continual exchange of meaning between the two kinds of bodily experience so the each reinforces the categories of the other.”
I understood this in the way I was changing my physical body with language and dress and in turn changing my social body and how people interacted differently with me.

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