Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have learnt alot these past 10 days its been hard and frustrating but is also been fun, exciting and very interesting.
I've learn't there is nothing better than being able to communicate especially in the 1st language of the person you are communicating with be it english or french.
A sense of happiness comes from being able to express your thoughts and share your life with friends and family and a stronger sense of belonging and home comes from speaking the same language.
I felt very comfortable speaking to my mauritian friends and could understand why its easier for them to stick together as most immigrants do have a group of friends from similar country, language or culture that brings a bit of home and the familiar with them on their travels.
I also experienced how hard it is to do basic everyday interactions when there is a language barrier.
I am much more confident in my knowledge of french and my ability to speak it in front of friends and family as well as strangers.
I really feel this project has helped me over come some of my shyness especially when it comes to speaking french and when i spend time with my mom, my family and my mauritian friends I look forward to using my new confidence to communicate with them.

                                                                     Merci et Adieu

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