Friday, March 25, 2011


  • Turner (1985: 1), Addressing the body page 21 of critical studies reader 2A: The Body.
  •  Douglas (1973,1979b, 1984), Addressing the body page 25 of critical studies reader 2A: The Body.
  • Pierre Bourdieu (1984), Body in consumer culture page 43 of critical studies reader 2A: The Body.
  •  Fay,B. 1996. Contemporary Philosophy of social science. Massachusetts: Blackwell publishers
  • Overcoming Communication Barriers Between People By Martin Hahn, Article Source: Accessed 20 March 2011.
  • Meaningful Conversation Contributes to Happiness?

    By Nancy Schimelpfening, Guide  March 10, 2010. Accessed 22 March 2011.

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