Monday, March 14, 2011

Foux du fa fa

Day 1.  Mon 14 March:

Today I woke up excited about the next 10 days. I played loud French songs as I got ready for college and smed my mom is French I even wore a blue and white-striped top. When I got to college and saw my friends I enthusiastically said bonjour and gave them all a kiss on both cheeks. 
It gradually got harder when I tried to talk to them and comment on their conversation is was frustrating not to be able to say all I was thinking and just to see confused faces staring back at me when I did. Already tired of trying to get people to understand me I ordered lunch in half English half french and had to explain to my lecturer in French than in English my ideas for my project. 
I noticed when I had to repeat myself I used a lot of body and hand gestures as I slowly said my words again hoping that my friends would guess what I was saying. Thankfully i saw my mother later on. It was so much easier to speak to someone who understood and could talk back to me.

This is the flight of the concords singing a french parody. Its just a funny stereotyping of french culture and communications.

It is strange with all the different technologies and forms of media and communication forums the one thing that still hinders communication and understanding is language. Why is it that languages still separate the world and why don't we have some system or technology to understand people no matter how they are trying to communicate with us. Are we that un-evolved when it comes to true communication?


  1. It was so nice to hear french again - I took french for 3 years, so I only know the basics really and it has been a long time! but I remember trying to converse with you: bonjour natalie, comment ca va?
    It is really difficult trying to communicate with people in another language and I definitely understand your frustration! I remember when i went to france in my gap year I felt so out of place, nobody understood my english - it was impossible to find someone who would actually try help you out, I'm not sure if that is how you felt when you were at university or when you went to shops?

  2. Thanks for your comment and thanks for trying to speak with me its so nice when someone makes and effort. Its nice to have someone who understands thats exactly how I felt. I think its not being to say and do basic everyday things that really gets to you. if you ever feel like speaking a bit of french i'm here :D
